Arkansas Code § 9-27-402 - Case Plans

(a) (1) A case plan shall be developed in all dependency-neglect cases or any case involving an out-of-home placement.

(2) The case plan developed by the Department of Human Services under ยง 9-28-111 shall be filed with the court no later than thirty (30) days after the date the petition was filed or the juvenile was first placed out of home, whichever is sooner.

(3) If the department does not have sufficient information before the adjudication hearing to complete all of the case plan, the department shall complete those parts for which information is available.

(4) All parts of the case plan shall be completed and filed with the court thirty (30) days after the adjudication hearing.

(b) The case plan is subject to court approval upon review by the court.

(c) The participation of a parent, guardian, or custodian in the development or the acceptance of a case plan shall not constitute an admission of dependency-neglect.

Section: 9-27-402  

Last modified: November 15, 2016