Arkansas Code § 9-28-203 - Division of Youth Services -- Powers and Duties

(a) The Division of Youth Services of the Department of Human Services shall perform the following functions and have the authority and responsibility to:

(1) Coordinate communication among the various components of the juvenile justice system;

(2) Oversee reform of the state's juvenile justice system;

(3) Provide services to delinquent and families-in-need-of-services youths;

(4) Conduct research into the causes, nature, and treatment of juvenile delinquency and related problems;

(5) Develop programs for early intervention and prevention of juvenile delinquency;

(6) Maintain information files on juvenile delinquents in the state;

(7) Develop effective community-based alternatives to confinement, incarceration, and commitment of youths;

(8) Actively pursue the maximization of federal funding for juvenile delinquency and related programs;

(9) Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the programs and services offered by the division and recommend changes to the Governor;

(10) Provide a system of education in residential facilities operated by the division that conform to the guidelines established by the Department of Education and as set forth in ยง 9-28-205; and

(11) Do and perform all other actions and exercise all other authority not inconsistent with the provisions of this subchapter as necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this subchapter.

(b) In addition to other duties enumerated in this subchapter, the division shall provide services as follows:

(1) The Civilian Student Training Program shall provide services to youths that shall consist of, but not be limited to, school reintegration, counseling, tutoring, job placement counseling, corrective behavior skill counseling, and training;

(2) (A) Case management services shall include, but not be limited to:

(i) Making placement recommendations to court authorities; and

(ii) Arrangement, coordination, and monitoring of services for a juvenile.

(B) These services may be acquired by agreement with community providers, other agencies, or individuals as necessary;

(3) (A) Client-specific services shall consist of, but not be limited to:

(i) Independent living, tracker, or proctor services;

(ii) Family or individual therapy; and

(iii) Individualized treatment or supportive care services.

(B) These services may be acquired by agreement with comprehensive community-based providers capable of delivering the required continuum of services;

(4) (A) Reduction-in-commitment services shall include services to address public safety, supervision, and rehabilitative needs of youths who may otherwise be detained, incarcerated, or committed to the division.

(B) Reduction-in-commitment services may include without limitation:

(i) Electronic monitoring;

(ii) Family or individual therapy;

(iii) Day treatment services;

(iv) Residential or outpatient mental health counseling, sex offender counseling, or substance abuse counseling;

(v) Parenting classes for youths or custodians;

(vi) Respite care; and

(vii) Emergency shelter services.

(C) These services may be acquired by agreement with comprehensive community-based providers capable of delivering the required continuum of services.

(D) The division shall collect data regarding the effectiveness of these services and report semiannually to the Youth Justice Reform Board;

(5) (A) Serious offender programs for youths charged with violent offenses shall consist of appropriate residential treatment programs at any of the youth services centers or facilities.

(B) Serious offender programs or community-based programs may be acquired by agreements with entities or agencies deemed appropriate and capable of providing such services;

(6) Less restrictive community-based programs selected by the Director of the Division of Youth Services of the Department of Human Services for youths not deemed at risk of performing violent offenses;

(7) (A) Observation and assessment services shall consist of, but not be limited to, those activities necessary to ensure appropriate recommendations for intervention, services, and placement of low-risk and medium-risk juveniles.

(B) Observation and assessment services may be acquired by agreements with community providers or other agencies or individuals deemed to have the appropriate level of expertise to perform observation and assessment or diagnosis and evaluation;

(8) (A) Residential observation and assessment services shall consist of, but not be limited to, those activities necessary to ensure appropriate recommendations for intervention, services, and placement of high-risk juveniles.

(B) Residential observation and assessment services may be performed by or at appropriate state-operated facilities or by agreement with appropriate agencies or individuals deemed to have the appropriate level of expertise to perform residential observation and assessment or diagnosis and evaluation;

(9) (A) (i) Community-based alternative basic services shall consist of, but not be limited to, prevention, intervention, casework, treatment, counseling, observation and assessment, case management, and residential services.

(ii) Primary goals for community-based alternative basic services shall be the prevention of youths from entering the juvenile justice system and the provision of professional, community-based, least-cost services to youths.

(B) These services may be acquired by agreements with comprehensive community-based providers capable of delivering the required continuum of services; and

(10) (A) Expanded services may consist of, but not be limited to:

(i) Expansion of existing programs;

(ii) Specific programs for alcohol, drug, or sex offenders;

(iii) Special therapeutic treatment programs or client-specific services in which a consistent population has been defined as in need of multidiscipline care and services;

(iv) Expansion of proven, effective, early intervention and prevention program activities; and

(v) Restoration of previously proven effective interventions that prevent incarceration.

(B) Utilization of funds appropriated for expanded services shall be as directed by the director.

(c) The division shall pursue the maximization of federal funds to benefit the youth of Arkansas.

(d) (1) The division shall promulgate rules as necessary to administer this subchapter.

(2) The rules shall be reviewed by the Senate Interim Committee on Children and Youth or any appropriate legislative committee during legislative sessions.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016