Ex parte RONALD E. BOOTH, III - Page 2

                Appeal No. 95-4354                                                                                                            
                Application 08/137,633                                                                                                        

                         The invention is directed to a method of capturing nitrogen                                                          
                from air using a gas separation membrane and employing both a                                                                 
                high feed side air pressure and a vacuum on the permeate side to                                                              
                produce high flow rates of nitrogen.                                                                                          
                         Applicant indicates that all the claims stand or fall                                                                
                together.  37 C.F.R. § 1.192(c).  Accordingly, we direct our                                                                  
                attention to claim 1 the only independent claim in the                                                                        
                application  which reads as follows:2                                                                                                          
                         1. A process for producing nitrogen gas from air at an                                                               
                         enhanced flow rate wherein the oxygen content of the                                                                 
                         produced gas is 8% or less using a membrane separator,                                                               
                         the process comprising: (a) moving compressed air at a                                                               
                         pressure from about 40 psig to about 120 psig into a                                                                 
                         membrane separator containing a plurality of hollow                                                                  
                         fiber membranes confined in a container, the separator                                                               
                         being adapted to permit selectively the passage                                                                      
                         therethrough of oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor                                                               
                         while restraining the passage of nitrogen; (b) applying                                                              
                         a vacuum to the permeate side of the separator of from                                                               
                         about 3.4 psia to about 13.2 psia to provide an                                                                      
                         enhanced flow rate of nitrogen wherein the flow rate of                                                              
                         nitrogen is at least twofold higher to fourfold higher                                                               
                         than is observed without applied vacuum; (c) collecting                                                              
                         under pressure the resultant non-permeate gas from the                                                               
                         membrane separator.                                                                                                  
                The references relied upon by the examiner are:                                                                               
                McNeill                     4,781,907        Nov.  1, 1988                                                                    
                Tsang et al. (Tsang)        4,883,023        Nov. 28, 1989                                                                    
                Rice                        4,894,068        Jan. 16, 1990                                                                    

                         2Claim 1 is reproduced in the brief at pages 7 and 8.  In                                                            
                this reproduction, claim 1, line 5, the term "containg" should                                                                
                read --containing--.                                                                                                          

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