Ex parte CARMEN RAPISARDA - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-0688                                                          
          Application 08/105,465                                                      

          references (Dana III and Reichert). Accordingly, we will likewise           
          not sustain the examiner's rejections of claims 22 through 29               
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103, each of which is premised on the                     
          examiner's combination of Dana III in view of Reichert or                   
          alternatively, Reichert in view of Dana III.                                
          Appellant's brief, at page 19, makes reference to a                         
          declaration of commercial success which is said to be "attached"            
          to the brief. However, we find no such declaration attached to              
          the brief. Our review of the application file reveals that the              
          only evidence of commercial success proffered was attached to               
          Paper No. 13, filed June 13, 1994, and was an "Affidavit of                 
          Commercial Success" signed by the inventor, Carmen C. Rapisarda.            
          In view of our disposition of the obviousness (§ 103) rejections            
          above, we find no need to review this secondary evidence of                 
          The next rejection posited by the examiner is that of claims                
          19 through 29 under "the judicially created doctrine of non-                
          statutory double patenting" as being unpatentable over claims 1-5           
          of U.S. Patent No. 5,285,586. On page 7 of the answer, the                  
          examiner notes that                                                         
               [t]he non-statutory double patenting rejection, whether                
               of the obvious-type or non-obvious-type, is based on a                 
               judicially created doctrine grounded in public policy                  
               (a policy reflected in the statute) so as to prevent                   

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