Ex parte JAMES L. HEDRICK et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-0318                                                           
          Application 08/031,046                                                       

               We fully concur with appellants that the examiner has not               
          established on this record that Scheuerlein describes the claimed            
          step of forming a copolymer to support the § 102 rejection, nor              
          does the reference suggest forming the claimed copolymer to                  
          support an obviousness rejection under § 103.  It is apparently              
          the examiner’s position that since Scheuerlein discloses heating             
          a composition comprising a polyimide and a thermally decomposable            
          polymer, the claimed copolymer would inherently be formed in the             
          referenced process.  However, we find that the clear teaching of             
          the reference militates against a finding of inherency.                      
          Scheuerlein discloses a composition comprising a coalescible                 
          polyimide powder and a solid particulate polymer of formaldehyde,            
          which composition is heated to a temperature above 300EC to                  
          coalesce the polyimide particles and obtain a porous polyimide               
          shaped article (column 5, lines 37-40).  Scheuerlein expressly               
          teaches that the product formed is a porous polyimide shaped                 
          article, not a polyimide copolymer.  Also, Scheuerlein discloses             
          that the solid particulate polymer of formaldehyde pyrolyses                 
          cleanly to formaldehyde gas and is evolved from the preform                  
          without leaving a formaldehyde residue in the preform product                
          (column 5, lines 44-51).  Such a clean evolution of formaldehyde             
          gas would not suggest that the particulate polymer of                        
          formaldehyde reacts with the polyimide to form a copolymer.  That            

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