Ex parte GEORGES et al. - Page 5

                Appeal No. 95-1079                                                                                                          
                Application 08/037,192                                                                                                      

                                3                                                                         4                               
                properties  or what appellants term as “polydispersity.”  The                                                               
                examiner maintains that Mahabadi’s chain transfer component in                                                              
                step (a) is essentially appellants’ stable free radical agent                                                               
                because the “stable free radical agent is defined by appellant                                                              
                [sic, appellants] on page 13 of the specification as free radical                                                           
                polymerization inhibitors ...” (answer, page 3).  Appellants                                                                
                contend that Mahabadi’s chain transfer agents function as                                                                   
                polymerization inhibitors, and not as agents to control the                                                                 
                molecular weight distribution properties of the polymer.                                    5                               
                Appellants argue that                                                                                                       

                        [s]ubstituting the chain transfer agents recited in                                                                 
                        Mahabadi for the stable free radical agents of the                                                                  

                        3According to appellants, these properties include: “extent of monomer                                              
                to polymer conversion or degree of a polymerization; control of molecular                                                   
                weight and polydispersity of the bulk product; viscosity of the bulk product;                                               
                temperature profile control, that is the absence of large exotherms; and gel                                                
                control or minimization of gel body formation” (specification, page 9).                                                     
                        4The term “polydispersity” has not been defined in appellants’                                                      
                specification.  The closest dictionary definition we could find was in The Van                                              
                Nostrand Chemist’s Dictionary, Edited by Honig et al., D. Van Nostrand                                                      
                Company, Inc., New York, 1953, page 548 which defined a “polydisperse system”                                               
                as being a “colloidal system that consists of particles of different sizes.”                                                
                From this definition we construe the meaning of “polydispersity properties” in                                              
                the context of appellants’ specification to mean a system of polymers having                                                
                different properties such as molecular weight, viscosity, degree of                                                         
                polymerization, etc.                                                                                                        
                        5We note that appellants incorporated the Mahabadi patent by reference                                              
                in its entirety into their specification (see page 3) and included a brief                                                  
                overview of Mahabadi’s process.  At least at the time the application was                                                   
                filed, appellants placed no emphasis on any difference in the function of                                                   
                Mahabadi’s chain inhibitor and their “stable free radical agent” which would                                                
                patentably distinguish their process over the Mahabadi process.                                                             

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