Ex parte RACKLEY et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-4361                                                          
          Application 08/043,320                                                      

          the source data for further processing with the product outputs             
          from the look-up table.  Note that the outputs from Ishii’s look-           
          up table 36 and logic circuit 37 are evidently already in RGB               
          format (column 7, lines 38-46).                                             

               Claim 6 depends indirectly from claim 1, and claim 7 depends           
          indirectly from claim 1.  Claim 6 is rejected based on the                  
          combined teachings of Ishii and Lucas and claim 7 is rejected               
          based on the combined teachings of Ishii and Kubo.  The                     
          appellants correctly note that Lucas ?does not suggest any aspect           
          of the two-stage conversion characterized in parent claim 1" (Br.           
          at 7).  The examiner relied on Lucas only in connection with the            
          chrominance sub-sampling feature particularly recited in claim 6.           
          Accordingly, Lucas does not make up for the deficiencies of                 
          Ishii.  Similarly, the appellants correctly note that Kubo does             
          not suggest a two-stage conversion process as the appellants have           
          claimed (Br. At 8), and the examiner has not relied on Kubo for             
          that feature (answer at 10).  Thus, Kubo does not make up for the           
          deficiencies of Ishii.                                                      
               With regard to claim 8, the appellants are correct that                
          Rumball teaches a one-stage conversion wherein the entire                   
          conversion is effected through access to a single lookup table 28           


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