Ex parte NORBERT C. VOLLMANN - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-4595                                                          
          Application 07/927,783                                                      

               Claims 12 through 15, 26, and 27 stand rejected under 35               
          U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Tomita in view of                   

               The full text of the examiner's rejection and response to              
          the argument presented by appellant appears in the answer (Paper            
          No. 26), while the complete statement of appellant's argument can           
          be found in the brief (Paper No. 25).                                       


               In reaching our conclusion on the obviousness issue raised             
          in this appeal, this panel of the board has carefully considered            
          appellant's specification and claims, the applied references, and           
          the respective viewpoints of appellant and the examiner.  As a              
          consequence of our review, we make the determination which                  

               We cannot sustain the examiner's rejection of appellant's              
          claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103 for the reasons articulated, infra.            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007