Ex parte NORDTVEDT - Page 5

          Appeal No. 96-1058                                                          
          Application 08/211,143                                                      

          building and the escape “stocking” of Nordtvedt (col. 3, l. 35)             
          or the “long canvas bottomless sack” of Schuett (p. 1, right                
          col., l. 61).                                                               
               The examiner contends that an extension of the teachings of            
          these references to have provided a plurality of “rigid                     
          connecting means” would have been obvious, given the multiple               
          entry locations of Nordtvedt (answer, p. 4).   We do not see why3                               
          that would have been so.  At most, the references to Nordtvedt              
          and Schuett teach suspending the escape device at the top and               
          connecting the bottom to those aiding in the escape, namely to              
          the ship below in Nordtvedt or to the rescuers holding the lines            
          H of Schuett.  No other form of connection to the structure or              
          building being escaped is taught or suggested by these                      
          references, so far as we have been apprised by the examiner, and            
          we think that in this regard the examiner is relying upon                   
          impermissible hindsight to reconstruct the claimed invention from           

               3The examiner, in passing, refers to “cited patent                     
          4,162,717 to Orii” (answer, p. 4).  Where a reference is relied             
          upon to support a rejection, whether or not in a "minor                     
          capacity," there would appear to be no excuse for not positively            
          including the reference in the statement of the rejection.  See             
          In re Hoch, 428 F.2d 1341, 1342 n.3, 166 USPQ 406, 407 n.3 (CCPA            
          1970).  Because the examiner has not seen fit to include the                
          “Orii” reference in the rejection of these claims, we have not              
          considered that reference en route to reaching our decision in              
          this appeal.                                                                

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