Ex parte DEILY et al. - Page 12

                Appeal No. 97-0082                                                                                                            
                Application No. 07/993,718                                                                                                    

                         Turning to the rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 103 of claims 2                                                          
                and 3 as being unpatentable over Ranford in view of Bales and                                                                 
                claims 11-15  and 19-22 as being unpatentable over Ranford in8                                                                                                         
                view of Bales and Kalt, each of these claims expressly require a                                                              
                pair of opposed pivot pins.  It is apparently the examiner’s                                                                  
                position that the lugs 46 of Ranford may be considered to be                                                                  
                pivot pins and in support of this position the examiner makes                                                                 
                reference in Ranford to the paragraph bridging columns 3 and 4                                                                
                (see supplemental answer, pages 7 and 8).  However, we find                                                                   
                nothing in Ranford which supports the examiner’s position.  In                                                                
                Ranford the lugs 46 are disposed in circumferential grooves 44                                                                
                that are located between ribs 43 in such a manner that the lugs                                                               
                hold tube extension 13 in axial position by interacting with the                                                              
                adjacent ribs (see column 3, lines 44-49).  In the paragraph                                                                  
                bridging columns 3 and 4 it is further stated that the engagement                                                             
                of the lugs in the grooves permits the tube extension 13 to                                                                   
                rotate with respect to the collar or neck flange and that the                                                                 
                tube extension may further be moved upwardly and downwardly in                                                                
                the elongated opening 35 in the sleeve portion 29 (i.e., the                                                                  

                         8In line 3 of claim 11 “the pair of opposed pivot pins”                                                              
                should apparently be --a pair of opposed pivot pins-- inasmuch as                                                             
                there is no antecedent basis for “the pair. . . .”                                                                            

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