Ex parte HARDY - Page 5

          Appeal No. 97-2900                                                          
          Application No. 29/039,134                                                  

                    establish novelty occurs when the average                         
                    observer takes the new design for a                               
                    different, and not a modified already-                            
                    existing, design.                                                 
          It therefore follows that, in order to establish lack of novelty            
          (i.e., anticipation), the ordinary observer must take the general           
          or ensemble appearance-effect of the design under consideration             
          to be the same as that of an already-existing design (even though           
          a degree of difference may actually be present).                            

               Here, we are of the opinion that the ordinary observer would           
          take the appellant's design to be a different design from that              
          shown by Grodberg.  The different overall impressions created by            
          the tablet of Grodberg and that of the appellant's pellet would             
          be readily appreciated by an ordinary observer such as a                    
          purchaser.  Specifically, the ordinary observer would readily               
          discern the difference in appearance of the curved ends of the              
          two designs.  That is, as pointed out by the appellant, the                 
          overall appearance of the present design is not virtually                   
          identical to the Grodberg design due to Grodberg having blunter             
          semi-spherical ends which are readily discernibly different in              
          appearance from the more bullet shaped ellipsoid ends of the                
          present design.  This being the case, we will not sustain the               


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