Appeal No. 94-1709 Application 07/716,115 "susceptibility to disease is a primary limiting factor in potato production internationally" (Shepard, page 189). Shepard further states that "[w]hen attempting to 'engineer' a potato possessing specified characteristics, the plant breeder faces enormous problems only superficially addressed above" (Shepard, page 191). In a section entitled "Previous Potato Regeneration from Single Cells or Protoplasts," Shepard discloses that "[o]nly very recently have techniques emerged whereby plants may be regenerated from single cells of potato, whether of mesophyll protoplast or cultured cell origin" (Shepard, page 192). After describing in detail current methods used in the laboratory for protoplast isolation and regeneration, Shepard states as follows: The foregoing discussion suggests that frequent examples of potentially valuable variation exist within potato plant populations raised from mesophyll protoplasts. Consequently, it is reasonable to expect that some variants could be selected early as either protoplasts or small calli and then be regenerated into plants possessing a predicted modification. At the present time, there are no published accounts of this for potatoes, but, from systems becoming available, ones should be forthcoming. [Shepard, page 211, emphasis added.] Finally, in the section entitled "Conclusions," Shepard states that: -7-Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007