Ex parte RIBES et al. - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 94-2527                                                                                                                     
                 Application 07/816,715                                                                                                                 

                          This is a decision on an appeal from the refusal of the examiner to allow claims                                              
                 11 through 13  and 16 as amended subsequent to the final rejection.  These are all of                                                  
                 the claims remaining in the application.                                                                                               
                          The subject matter on appeal relates to a superconducting oxide-based                                                         
                 composite material produced by a process comprising the steps of (1) preparing a                                                       
                 powdered mixture of a glass having a vitreous transition temperature T  of less than                                                   
                 750EK and of certain superconducting oxide crystallites, (2) uniaxially compressing the                                                

                 powdered mixture at a temperature of between T  and T , wherein T  is the glass-g         x              x                                            
                 crystallization temperature, to thereby produce orientation of the superconducting oxide                                               
                 crystallites, and (3) subjecting the resulting composite material to an additional                                                     

                 stretching or rolling operation at a temperature between T  and T  to thereby provideg         x                                               
                 shaping of the composite material.  This appealed subject matter is adequately                                                         
                 illustrated by independent claim 11 which reads as follows:                                                                            
                          11.  A superconducting oxide-based composite material produced by a process                                                   
                 comprising the steps of:                                                                                                               

                          2We observe that appealed claim 13 contains a minor informality which is                                                      
                 deserving of correction.  Specifically, the second-recited formula for the                                                             
                 superconducting oxides contains incorrect subscripts for the calcium and copper                                                        
                 substituents.  This incorrect formula arose due to the inadvertent presentation of an                                                  
                 inaccurately copied claim 13 in Amendment B filed October 6, 1993 (i.e, Paper No. 10).                                                 
                 The correct formula is shown in the claim 13 “reproduction” which appears in the                                                       
                 appendix of the appellants’ Brief.                                                                                                     

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Last modified: November 3, 2007