Ex parte YAMASHINA et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-1635                                                          
          Application No. 07/928,703                                                  

          sides of said film unit...”  The examiner does not adequately               
          address this claim limitation in the statement of the rejection             
          or in the rationale therefor.  In fact, the only place the                  
          examiner addresses the limitation at all is in the response to              
          appellants’ arguments, at page 8 of the answer.  However, even              
          there, the examiner merely refers to Ohmura’s Figures 8 and 10              
          and states, without support or further explanation, that Ohmura’s           
          outer cover “does meet Applicant’s [sic, Applicants’] claim of              
          having ‘four flat sides interconnected by right-angle bend lines            
          that are parallel to each other and that lie flat against four              
          flat sides of said film unit’.”  We are unconvinced.  While                 
          Ohmura explains (column 4, lines 18-22) that in the plastic                 
          embodiment, the various sections of the cover may be “fitted or             
          welded in a well-known manner, such as by ultrasonic welding,”              
          there is no indication in this embodiment, and no specific                  
          disclosure of the cardboard embodiment, that Ohmura contemplates            
          any bend lines that are parallel to each other and which                    
          interconnect four flat sides which lie flat against four flat               
          sides of the film unit.  While Ohmura’s cover may, in fact, be              
          made in such a way, we have no evidence of that in this record              


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