Ex parte YASTROW - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-4220                                                          
          Application No. 08/176,297                                                  

               The invention pertains to a method and apparatus for                   
          estimating power in an integrated circuit.                                  

               Representative independent claim 5 is reproduced as                    
               5.   A computer implemented method for estimating power                
          dissipation characteristics of a circuit comprising a                       
          plurality of nodes, the method used in a circuit design                     
          process for designing an electronic circuit for operation at a              
          certain clock rate and having a first number of nodes and a                 
          second number of gates, said method comprising the following                
               (a) analyzing predefined artwork data associated with                  
          said circuit to determine data on the geometry of a first                   
               (b) generating capacitance data for said first node on                 
          the basis of said geometry data;                                            
               (c) generating frequency data associated with said first               
               (d) determining voltage data associated with said first                
               (e) computing an estimate of power associated with said                
          first node on the basis of at least said capacitance,                       
          frequency and voltage data;                                                 
               (f) repeating the above steps for each remaining node;                 
               (g) summing said estimates of power for each node to                   
          determine an estimate of total power dissipation for the                    
          circuit; and                                                                


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Last modified: November 3, 2007