Ex parte GRIZANTE et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-1076                                                          
          Application No. 07/961,160                                                  

               In support of their contrary view, the appellants argue                
          that the appealed claims are directed to polymeric mixtures                 
          which do not encompass the cross-linked polymer material of                 
          Penneck.  This argument is unpersuasive for a number of                     
               In the first place, the independent claim language                     
          “coating formed by a polymeric mixture” does not distinguish                
          over a polymeric mixture which is ultimately cross-linked into              
          a coating as in the Penneck reference.  In this regard, we are              
          mindful of the appellants’ argument that “it is clear from the              
          specification that appellants’ claimed mixture is an end                    
          product which is not to be cross-linked” (Reply Brief, page                 
          2).  From our perspective, however, the subject specification               
          militates against this argument by expressly disclosing that                
          the polymeric mixtures may undergo “some structural                         
          modification” (see Specification page 7, second full                        
               Secondly, even if the appealed claims excluded a                       
          condition wherein the first and second thermoplastic polymers               
          are cross-linked with each other, these claims still would not              
          distinguish over the subject matter disclosed by Penneck.                   

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Last modified: November 3, 2007