Ex parte NORTRUP - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-3038                                                          
          Application No. 08/372,069                                                  

          Paper Co. v. Bemis Co., Inc., 193 USPQ 8, 11 (7th Cir.                      
               Appellants argue (Brief, page 3) that:                                 
               The Examiner’s reliance on St. Regis Paper Co. V.                      
               Bemis Co. is misplaced.  The St. Regis case is                         
               inapposite in that it dealt with duplicating what                      
               had previously existed in the prior art.  In the                       
               instant case, the claims define an invention that                      
               has not previously existed and that has increased                      
               benefits, untaught by the prior art, when multiplied                   
               in a particular way.                                                   
               We agree with appellants that the St. Regis case is                    
          inapposite to the facts before us on appeal.  The examiner’s                
          mere conclusion that it would have been obvious to place a                  
          second cavity on Morris’ pinched seal, and then terminate the               
          other end of the second foil 60 in this cavity is too much for              
          us to believe in the absence of evidence in the record or a                 
          convincing line of reasoning by the examiner.  Since neither                
          evidence nor a convincing line of reasoning has been presented              
          by the examiner, we will reverse the 35 U.S.C. § 103 rejection              
          of claims 1                                                                 
          through 5.                                                                  


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