Ex parte MORRIS et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 96-3771                                                          
          Application 08/127,005                                                      

               Next, we note that the appellant has not separately                    
          argued the patentability of dependent claims 2-4 and 11.                    
          Accordingly, these claims will stand or fall with                           
          representative claim 5.                                                     
          37 CFR § 1.192(c)(7).                                                       
               We have carefully reviewed the appellant's invention as                
          described in the specification, the appealed claims, the prior              
          art applied by the examiner and the respective positions                    
          advanced by the appellant in the supplemental brief and by the              
          examiner in the answer.  This review leads us to conclude that              
          the prior art relied on by the examiner establishes the                     
          obviousness of representative claim 5 within the meaning of 35              
          U.S.C. § 103.  Accordingly, we will sustain the above noted                 
               According to the examiner:                                             
               [i]t would have been obvious to one skilled in the                     
               art to provide Waggoner’s air deflector with a leg                     
               member extending an acute angle of less that 90E or                    
               approximately 75E from the base member to deflect air                  
               upwardly, and a lip member extending at an obtuse                      
               angle of approximately 135E from the leg member                        
               thereof to deflect air outwardly at the tops of the                    
               air deflector member, and to secure the leg member                     
               at a distance from the exterior edge of the vent                       
               part to keep the air deflector in place as taught by                   

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