Ex parte COTROPIA - Page 3

          Appeal No. 97-0477                                                          
          Application 07/396,751                                                      

               the scientific articles published before the                           
               application filing date and set forth in the                           
               Applicant's Brief on Appeal (filed herein on                           
               June 6, 1994), at pages 12-17, were overlooked by                      
               the Board in reaching its decision.  [Request for                      
               Reconsideration, page 2, third paragraph].                             
          Manifestly, the above-quoted argument is incorrect.  See our                
          original opinion, page 9, last paragraph, making it clear that              
          we reviewed the scientific articles set forth in the Appeal                 
          Brief, pages 12 through 17, in reaching our decision.                       
               In our original opinion, we evaluated and weighed the                  
          specification evidence relating to preparation of a SIP                     
          (Example 12) and the CDR technique outlined in the Appeal                   
          Brief.  As stated in our opinion, page 10, "we place more                   
          weight on Example 12" and "the CDR technique should be given                
          less weight because that technique is entirely outside the                  
          description set forth in the specification."  In the request                
          for rehearing, appellant does not take issue with the manner                
          in which we evaluated and weighed evidence.  Appellant does                 
          not present any rationale explaining why we erred in placing                
          more weight on Example 12 and less weight  on the CDR                       
               In our original opinion, page 11, we discussed the                     
          publication by Levi et al. describing how workers obtained a                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007