Appeal No. 97-0673 Application 08/143,370 and (B) in the embodiment shown in Figure 3(A) of Kamiwano can take the form of the planar phototransistor matrix shown in Figure 2. Note also the grid-like pattern shown at the top of each sensor (A) and (B) in Figure 3(a), which also reasonably suggests that there are multiple rows of the linearly arranged array. Additionally, see also the image illustrated in Kamiwano’s Figure 3(b), it shows multiple pixels for each row occupied by the particle image detected by each sensor, which would have suggested to one with ordinary skill in the art plural rows of phototransistors together forming a planar two dimensional image sensor. The appellants offer no response to explain away or otherwise rebut the examiner’s reasonable position with regard to Kamiwano’s Figure 2 and discussion in connection therewith. The appellants are also incorrect that in Kamiwano an image is reconstructed rather than detected. The "reconstitute" language at the top of page 13 of Kamiwano is merely referring to reproducing an image from stored image data to provide it to a display device. It does not mean that in Kamiwano the particle image is not initially detected by a two dimensional imager. For all of the foregoing reasons, the argument that 7Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007