Ex parte ELTING et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 97-2226                                         Page 8           
          Application No. 08/203,789                                                  

               It is axiomatic that, in proceedings before the PTO, claims            
          in an application are to be given their broadest reasonable                 
          interpretation consistent with the specification, and that claim            
          language should be read in light of the specification as it would           
          be interpreted by one of ordinary skill in the art.  In re Sneed,           
          710 F.2d 1544, 1548, 218 USPQ 385, 388 (Fed. Cir. 1983).                    

               The appellants' specification (page 8, lines 13-14) states             
          that "[t]he bottom pieces may be attached together, or preferably           
          may be detached from one another."                                          

               The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition,              
          (1982) defines "separate" as "set apart from others; detached               
          . . . existing as an entity; independent."                                  

               It is our determination that the broadest reasonable                   
          interpretation consistent with the specification of the claimed             
          phrase two "separate" bottom pieces for covering lower                      
          extremities of the patient is that the two bottom pieces exist as           
          independent entities.  When claims 1 and 22 are given this                  
          interpretation, it is clear to us that the prior art as applied             
          by the examiner would not have suggested two "separate" bottom              

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