Ex parte WIGTON et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 97-2548                                                          
          Application No. 08/381,545                                                  

          and to a method of doing so.  The subject matter before us on               
          appeal is illustrated by reference to claim 1, a copy of which              
          can be found in an appendix to the Appeal Brief.                            

                                   THE REFERENCE                                      
               The reference relied upon by the examiner to support the               
          final rejection is:                                                         
          Dieguez et al. (Dieguez)      5,382,422           Jan. 17, 1995             

                                   THE REJECTIONS                                     
               Claims 1 through 3 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e)             
          as being anticipated by Dieguez.                                            
               Claims 4 and 5 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being           
          unpatentable over Dieguez.                                                  
               The rejections are explained in Paper No. 4.                           
               The opposing viewpoints of the appellants are set forth in             
          the Brief.                                                                  
               In reaching our decision on the issues raised in this                  
          appeal, we have carefully assessed the claims, the prior art                
          applied against the claims, and the respective views of the                 
          examiner and the appellants as set forth in the Answer and the              


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