ENGVALL et al. V. DAVID et al. - Page 54

                73/3 and 73/8 were allegedly stored from the time Dr. Uotila left La Jolla Cancer Research Institute                       
                until 1988.  In June of 1988, these samples were sent to Asta Bergland to determine the affinity                           
                                                                                                          9          8                     
                constants. Engvall Brief, p. 64.  The affinity constants were reported to be 2.3x10 , 7.2x10  and                          
                6.5x10  liters per mole, respectively. Engvall Brief p. 66-67.  These values are within the scope of8                                                                                                                   
                the count.                                                                                                                 
                        We have not been directed to any part of the record which shows that the affinity constants                        
                were actually determined contemporaneously with the one-step two-site sandwich assay.  As we                               
                indicated above, an actual reduction practice requires that the embodiment include every limitation                        
                stated in the count.  Schendel, 83 F.3d at 1402,  38 USPQ2d 1743  at 1746; Newkirk, 825 F.2d at                            
                1582-83, 3 USPQ2d  at 1794;  Hummer, 500 F.2d at 1387, 183 USPQ  at 48; Szekely, 455 F.2d at                               
                1396, 173 USPQ at 119).  The affinity constants of the antibodies used in the alleged reductions to                        
                practice were determined nearly ten years after the alleged successful assays.                                             
                        David asserts that Bergland’s  determination of the affinity constants long after the alleged                      
                date of reduction to practice are “improper attempts to prove reduction to practice nunc pro tunc.”                        
                (Emphasis original.)  David Brief, p. 33.  64                                                                              
                        We agree with David that Engvall’s reliance on the Bergland test results is an attempt to                          
                prove the affinity constants nunc pro tunc.  As noted by the Federal Circuit in Estee Lauder:                              
                                        It is well-settled that conception and reduction to practice cannot be                             
                                        established  nunc  pro  tunc.    There  must  be contemporaneous                                   
                                        recognition and appreciation of the invention represented by the                                   
                                        counts. [Emphasis original.]                                                                       
                129 F.3d at 593-94, 44 USPQ2d at 1614, quoting Breen, 472 F.2d at 1401, 176 USPQ at 521                                    
                (emphasis  added).    Bergland’s  tests  performed  in  1988  do  not  demonstrate  that  there  was                       

                                David also moves to suppress the evidence of Bergland’s alleged testing of the antibodies.  David          
                asserts that the evidence is inadmissible because it is nunc pro tunc.  David et al. Motion to Suppress Evidence, pp. 3-4  
                (Paper 331).  This motion is denied.  Section 1.656(h) permits a party seeking a ruling on the admissibility of evidence   
                to file a motion to suppress the evidence.   Whether evidence constitutes an impermissible “nunc pro tunc” proof is not a  
                matter of admissibility, but of weight.  We have evaluated Engvall’s nunc pro tunc evidence and have given it no weight.   
                        David also asserts (David et a. Motion to Suppress Evidence, pp. 5-6) that Bergland’s testimony on the testing     
                of the antibodies should be suppressed because Engvall has not proved proof of a  chain of custody for the tested          
                antibodies and it has not been established that the antibodies Bergland tested are the same antibodies used by Dr. Uotila. 
                The actual antibodies were not offered into evidence so it is unnecessary to prove a chain of custody. Whether the         
                antibodies tested by Bergland were the same as used in the alleged reductions to practice goes to the weight of the        
                evidence not to its admissibility.                                                                                         

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