CABILLY et al. V. BOSS et al. - Page 34

                   Interference No. 102,572                                                                                                                          

                   analysis of the cultures noted by Mumford at CR-37, ¶ 10 and at CR-37-38, ¶ 12 are those                                                          
                   of the heavy chain or light chain transformed cells and are not of cotransformed cells.                                                           
                             SDS-PAGE of refractile body preparations does not and cannot identify and verify                                                        

                   the production of the intended product because the refractile body preparations made by                                                           

                   E.coli require lysis and solubilization to permit  recovery and then refolding of the                                                             

                   recovered heavy and light chains.  Cabilly et al. offered no evidence to identify and verify                                                      
                   the refolded product as the intended protein product of the count.                                                                                
                             A demonstration of binding activity in an assay does not establish that all of the                                                      
                   steps of the process have been performed and that the intended product was produced.                                                              
                   No declarant asserted that a conclusion as to the chemical composition or structure could                                                         
                   be drawn from the binding activity data. Schendel v. Curtis, 83 F.3d 1399, 1403-1404, 38                                                          
                   USPQ2d 1743, 1747 (Fed. Cir. 1996); Colbert, 21 USPQ2d at 1071.  Because the                                                                      
                   intended product has not been identified and verified there can be no appreciation of the                                                         
                   existence or operability of the intended product.                                                                                                 
                             While the question of utility is actually moot, we add the following comments for                                                       
                   completeness.   Herein, the count does not set forth a particular utility for the intended                                                        
                   product of the count.   Evidence of substantial utility for any purpose is sufficient to prove                                                    

                   entry): “[T]he gels are shown on [the] following pages.  No real strong product bands could                                                       
                   be seen on either gel.  It is possible that trace metal contamination would have occurred in                                                      
                   the new fermentors due to condensation pick-up during sterilization.”                                                                             

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