NASHIMOTO V. OXAMIDE et al. - Page 3

          Interference No.                                                            

               Okamoto et al., the senior party, failed to make any                   
          showing why judgment on the record should not be entered                    
          against them in view of the granting of a preliminary motion                
          for judgment against them, and the time allowed for such                    
          showing has expired.                                                        
               Accordingly, pursuant to the order of June 29, 1998,                   
          judgment under 37 CFR § 1.640(d)(1) and (e) as to the subject               
          matter of the counts in issue is awarded to Kiyoshi Nashimoto,              
          the junior party.  On the present record, Kiyoshi Nashimoto,                
          the junior party, is entitled to a patent containing claims 1               
          and 5 to 10 corresponding to the counts and Akira Okamoto,                  
          Shigeru Kobayashi, Hideaki Shimamura, Susumu Tsuzuku, Eisuke                
          Nishitani, Satosi Kisimoto and Yuji Yoneoka, the senior party,              
          are not entitled to a patent containing claims 47 and 48                    
          corresponding to the counts.                                                

                         STANLEY M. URYNOWICZ, JR.     )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              
                         MICHAEL SOFOCLEOUS            ) BOARD OF PATENT              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )   APPEALS AND                
                                                       )  INTERFERENCES               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007