CHENEVEY et al. V. BAARS et al. - Page 28

             Interference No. 103,169                                                                                  

             process PBT and spoke of tube extrusion do not establish that the information provided                    
             was sufficient to communicate to the workshop attendees a complete conception of the                      
             subject matter of the count.  We find insufficient detail in the Chenevey et al. allegations to           
             conclude that Chenevey et al. have or sustained their burden, especially where as here,                   
             Chenevey’s alleged communications stand uncorroborated, and Chenevey himself admits                       
             that the information he presented at the Workshop did not involve the work done in October                
             and November, 1983, the time when Chenevey alleged that he reduced the invention to                       
             practice (CR 4: 296-297).                                                                                 
                    Even though we have found that Chenevey et al. have failed to establish derivation,                
             for the sake of completeness, we will address conception by Baars et al., especially since                
             an earlier conception is an absolute defense to the charge of derivation.  Denen v. Buss,                 
             801 F.2d 385, 386, 231 USPQ 159, 160 (Fed. Cir. 1986).                                                    
             Baars et al. conception                                                                                   

                    We find that Baars et al. have established a date of conception no later than                      
             January 31, 1983, the date the proposal was due at AFWP.                                                  
                    Baars et al. allege six dates for conception.  In support of these dates, Baars et al.             
             offer the testimony of coinventors Lusignea, Davis and Baars; and corroborators: Guzdar,                  
             Eagles and Berry, as well as exhibits, BX H-P.                                                            
                    We focus on three of these exhibits: (1) BX J, notes taken by Lusignea at a                        
             developmental meeting on January 19, 1983; (2) BX N, the AIRC proposal which was                          


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