Ex parte CAPORICCIO - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1996-0098                                                        
          Application No. 08/207,512                                                  

          conclusion that the claimed subject matter is prima facie                   
          obvious must be supported by evidence, as shown by some                     
          objective teaching in the prior art or by knowledge generally               
          available to one of ordinary skill in the art that would have               
          led that individual to combine the relevant teachings of the                
          references to arrive at the claimed invention.  See In re                   
          Fine, 837 F.2d 1071, 1074, 5 USPQ2d 1596, 1598 (Fed. Cir.                   
               Appellant argues (Brief, pages 3-15) that the subject                  
          matter defined by the appealed claims cannot be found in the                
          applied references.  We agree.  A pivotal flaw in all of the                
          examiner's rejections is that none of the references relied                 
          upon teach or suggest the claimed bimodal particle size                     
          distribution of the boron nitride powder component utilized in              
          appellant's grease composition.                                             
               Regarding the rejection utilizing Hong as the sole                     
          evidence of obviousness relied upon, the examiner urges that                
          the claimed bimodal size distribution of the boron nitride                  
          would have been "within the broad teachings of Hong..." in                  
          that "[t]he boron nitride taught by Hong has a particle size                
          of about one micron" (Answer, page 4).  However, we agree with              

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Last modified: November 3, 2007