Ex parte SUZUKI et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-1476                                                          
          Application 08/186,515                                                      

          that claims 3 and 7 are currently objected to as depending                  
          from a rejected                                                             

          claim, but otherwise allowable.  Therefore, claim 5 would have              
          the same status since it depends from claim 3.  Claim 2 has                 
          been canceled.                                                              
                    The invention relates to a spark plug with a built                
          in pressure sensor, which is suitable for use in an internal                
          combustion engine.  At page 10 et seq. of the specification                 
          and Figure 1, Appellants disclose the spark plug 1 with a                   
          built in pressure sensor 12.  The metal shell 8 has a threaded              
          portion 10 for mounting the spark plug 1 on the cylinder head               
          21 of an internal combustion engine.  A slit 13 is formed as a              
          pressure introducing channel, along an axis of the plug 1, in               
          the threaded portion 10 of the metal shell 8.  Slit 13 allows               
          combustion gas to flow to pressure sensor 12.                               
                    The independent claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                 
                    1.  A spark plug with a built-in pressure sensor,                 
          said spark plug being suitable for use in an internal                       
          combustion engine, wherein the pressure sensor is built in a                
          mounting base of a metal shell in a direction to convert a                  
          variation in a tightening load of said spark plug on a                      
          cylinder head of said internal combustion engine into an                    
          electrical signal, said metal shell being provided with at                  

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Last modified: November 3, 2007