Ex parte GOLD - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-0380                                                        
          Application No. 08/368,099                                                  

          which may be inserted in wood or other material in the usual                
          manner, but which cannot be withdrawn without mutilation"                   
          (lines 11-14).  Farrington illustrates two embodiments.  The                
          first embodiment shown in Figures 1 and 2, includes a screw                 
          body [a] provided with exterior screw threads [e] and a                     
          longitudinal socket [b] extending downwardly from the top of                
          the screw body.  The socket [b] is provided with interior                   
          screw threads [f] adapted to receive a false head [c] having a              
          rounded top with a slot and a flat outer edge conforming to                 
          the flat outer edge of the top of the screw body.  The second               
          embodiment illustrated in Figures 3                                         

          and 4 is similar to the first embodiment, except the false                  
          head [k] has a flat top with a slot and a generally conical                 
          bottom and the upper end of the screw body is flared to                     
          conform to the conical shape of the false head.                             
               The examiner admits that Farrington does not show a                    
          generally cylindrical head with an enlarged diameter relative               
          to the nail shank and a frustoconical opening being recessed                
          within the nail head (answer, page 3).  However, it is the                  

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Last modified: November 3, 2007