Ex parte SHWARTS et al. - Page 27

          Appeal No. 97-1223                                        Page 27           
          Application No. 08/147,143                                                  

          Also at the time of the brief, 37 C.F.R. § 1.192(c)(8)(iv)                  
          stated as follows.                                                          
               For each rejection under 35 U.S.C. 103, the argument                   
               shall specify the errors in the rejection and, if                      
               appropriate, the specific limitations in the                           
               rejected claims which are not described in the prior                   
               art relied on in the rejection, and shall explain                      
               how such limitations render the claimed subject                        
               matter unobvious over the prior art.  If the                           
               rejection is based upon a combination of references,                   
               the argument shall explain why the references, taken                   
               as a whole, do not suggest the claimed subject                         
               matter, and shall include, as may be appropriate, an                   
               explanation of why features disclosed in one                           
               reference may not properly be combined with features                   
               disclosed in another reference.  A general argument                    
               that all the limitations are not described in a                        
               single reference does not satisfy the requirements                     
               of this paragraph.                                                     

          In summary, section 1.192 provides that just as the court is                
          not under any burden to raise or consider issues not argued by              
          the appellants, the Board of Patent Appeals And Interferences               
          is also not under any such burden.                                          

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