Ex parte MCINTYRE et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 97-2710                                                          
          Application No. 08/402,080                                                  

          into a single transmitted fax (pages 3-12 and 3-13).  WinFax                
          requires a send and receive fax/modem (page 4-1), and newly                 
          received faxes are printed immediately upon reception (pages                
          4-1 and 4-4).  The WinFax user can select an appropriate                    
          printer on which to print received messages (pages 4-4 and 4-               
          5), and, if desired, the WinFax user may view a display                     
          indicating that a message has been received (page 4-4).  A                  
          WinFax fax may be received while working in other Windows                   
          applications (page 4-1).  Although the WinFax publication                   
          states that the faxes are printed immediately upon receipt,                 
          one can infer from the latter statement that faxes may be                   
          stored while working in other applications.  In any event,                  
          WinFax states that it does not consume additional system                    
          memory (page 4-1).                                                          
               We agree with the examiner (paper number 5, page 3) that               
          the “WinFax User’s Guide discloses . . . a document processing              
          system for receiving faxes, including the WinFax software, the              
          computer running it, a fax modem, and a printer connected to                
          the computer and responding to signals directed thereto to                  
          produce a printed image.”  We likewise agree with the examiner              
          (paper number 5, pages 4 and 5) that it would have been                     

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