Ex parte CAESAR et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1997-3146                                                        
          Application 08/558,670                                                      

          § 102 rather than under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph.                  
          See In re Hyatt, 708 F.2d 712, 715, 218 USPQ 195, 197 (Fed.                 
          Cir. 1983) citing In re Borkowski, 422 F.2d 904, 909, 164 USPQ              
          642, 645-46 (CCPA 1970).                                                    
                    Turning to claim 1, Appellants recite "an input                   
          device . . . for enabling a user to select said given load                  
          capacitance by providing a number corresponding to said given               
          load capacitance."  We find that this claim language does set               
          out and circumscribe a particular area with a reasonable                    
          of precision and particularity when viewed in light of the                  
          teachings of the disclosure.  From the claim language in the                
          disclosure, it is clear that the Appellants are claiming that               
          a user selects a value that is inputted into the driver which               
          determines the load capacitance.  We note that on page 4 of                 
          the reply brief, Appellants argue this very point.                          
                    The Examiner also argues that the phrase "in                      
          parallel" is indefinite.  We note that the Examiner has not                 
          pointed to the particular claim in which this language is                   
          found.  Turning to claim 1, we note that Appellants claim an                


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