Ex parte RATZEL et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 97-3703                                         Page 7           
          Application No. 08/110,349                                                  

          413, 425, 208 USPQ 871, 881 (CCPA 1981).  Indeed, a prima                   
          facie case of obviousness is established where the reference                
          teachings would appear to be sufficient for one of ordinary                 
          skill in the art having those teachings before him to make the              
          proposed combination or modification.  See In re Lintner, 458               
          F.2d 1013, 1016, 173 USPQ 560, 562 (CCPA 1972).                             
               Having reviewed the combined teachings of Walker, Scott                
          and Osmera, we do not agree with the examiner that these                    
          teachings would have suggested to one of ordinary skill in the              
          art the modification proposed by the examiner.                              
               Initially, Walker does not disclose any support for the                
          web of packing material downstream of the stationary base                   
          knife (23) but, rather, lets the severed material fall into a               
          suitable receptacle, such as a container (28).  See Figure 2                
          and column 3, lines 51 and 52.  The movable shear pan (25) of               
          Scott is provided specifically to guide and transfer the                    
          severed gelatin material from the first conveyor (11) to a                  
          transfer table (43), which then pivots the severed material to              
          an upright orientation onto the second, slower conveyor (15)                
          for further drying.  It is designed to move resiliently                     

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