Ex parte ROLAND - Page 3

          Appeal No. 97-4249                                                          
          Application No. 08/249,400                                                  

          (1) Claims 1, 4-6, 9 and 17-20 on the basis of O'Neal, Oogushi              
          and Wasielewski.                                                            
          (2) Claims 2 and 3 on the basis of O'Neal, Oogushi, Wasielewski             
          and Foley                                                                   
          (3) Claim 7 on the basis of O'Neal, Oogushi, Wasielewski and                

          (4) Claim 8 on the basis of O'Neal, Oogushi, Wasielewski and                
          (5) Claims 11-16 on the basis of O'Neal, Oogushi, Wasielewski,              
          Holowczenko and Mantegazza.                                                 
               The rejections are explained in the Examiner's, Answer.                
               The opposing viewpoints of the appellant are set forth in              
          the Brief.                                                                  
               All of the examiner's rejections are under 35 U.S.C. §                 
          103. The test for obviousness is what the combined teachings of             
          the prior art would have suggested to one of ordinary skill in              
          the art.  See In re Keller, 642 F.2d 413, 425, 208 USPQ 871,                
          881 (CCPA 1981).  In establishing a prima facie case of                     
          obviousness under 35 U.S.C. § 103, it is incumbent upon the                 
          examiner to provide a reason why one of ordinary skill in the               
          art would have been led to modify a prior art reference or to               
          combine reference teachings to arrive at the claimed invention.             


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