Ex parte HOCHMUTH - Page 3

          Appeal No. 98-1310                                                          
          Application 08/368,685                                                      

          unpatentable over Burk in view of Adamczyk.5                                

               Claims 1 and 2 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                          
          unpatentable over Burk in view of Laprade.                                  
               The rejections are explained on pages 2 and 3 of the                   
          final rejection.  The arguments of the appellant and examiner               
          in support of their respective positions may be found on pages              
          10-16 of the brief and page 4 of the answer.                                

               We have carefully reviewed the appellant's invention as                
          described in the specification, the appealed claims, the prior              
          art applied by the examiner and the respective positions                    
          advanced by the appellant in the brief and by the examiner in               
          the answer.  As a consequence of this review, we will sustain               
          the rejection of claims 1 and 2 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 based on              

               Claim 17 was not included in this rejection in the final rejection;5                                                                     
          however, it is apparent from the examiner's position that claim 17 was      
          intended to be rejected on this ground.  Accordingly, we conclude that the  
          examiner's failure to include claim 17 was an inadvertent omission.  The    
          appellant is not prejudiced by this interpretation since, from the statement
          of issues on page 8 of the brief, it is clear the appellant recognized that 
          the examiner intended claim 17 should be included.                          

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