Ex parte WITT et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1998-1431                                       Page 6           
          Application No. 08/665,162                                                  

          appellants’ disclosure as a blueprint to reconstruct the                    
          claimed invention from the isolated teachings of the prior                  
          art.  See, e.g., Grain Processing Corp. v. American                         
          Maize-Products Co., 840 F.2d 902, 907, 5 USPQ2d 1788, 1792                  
          (Fed. Cir. 1988).                                                           
               With this as background, we analyze the prior art applied              
          by the examiner in the rejection of the claims on appeal.  The              
          examiner is of the opinion that McBride discloses the claimed               
          limitations except for the end cover formed integral with the               
          sidewall and a support attached to the sidewall (examiner’s                 
          answer at page 5).  The examiner has cited Rosenbloom for                   
          disclosing a bag having a sidewall on which a first                         
          circumferential hoop 23 and a second circumferential                        
          hoop/support 24 are attached.  The second circumferential                   
          hoop/support 24 is                                                          

          made of metal or other stiff flexible material which retains                
          its circular shape when unrestrained (col. 3, lines 17-21).                 
          The examiner concludes that:                                                
                    It would have been obvious to one having                          
                    ordinary skill in the art in view of                              
                    Rosenbloom ’468 to modify the device of                           
                    McBride so it includes a support attached                         

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