Ex parte KEWIN - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2000-1492                                                        
          Application No. 09/255,276                                                  

          the examiner concedes that Kewin does not disclose an end                   
          14 having an inner annular surface 36 at the lug end of the                 
          end member that is continuous and of constant radius around                 
          the circumference thereof, as called for in the appealed                    
          claims.  Nevertheless, the examiner contends that it would                  
          have been obvious to make the inner annular surface of Kewin’s              
          end member continuous and of constant radius around the                     
          circumference thereof because                                               
               chucks having a continuous, constant radius outer                      
               circumferential surface which may or may not be                        
               expandable or mandrels having such surfaces are old                    
               and well known in the art, and to make the inner                       
               circumferential surface of the end members of Kewin                    
               conform to the shape of the chucks or mandrels used                    
               to support the core would have obviously followed                      
               especially in view of the teaching of Bushell et al.                   
               [Answer, page 3.]                                                      
               Assuming for the sake of argument that expandable chucks               
          having a continuous, constant radius outer circumferential                  
          surface are “old and well known in the art” as asserted by the              
          examiner, it is not apparent to us why it would have                        
          “obviously followed” to provide the inner annular surface of                
          Kewin’s end member with a continuous, constant radius inner                 
          annular surface to “conform” to the shape of such old and well              

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Last modified: November 3, 2007