Ex parte URIBE - Page 6

              Appeal No. 1995-3021                                                                                     
              Application 07/949,347                                                                                   

              The examiner's consideration of the evidence in this matter constitutes legal error.                     
                     The rejection over The Merck Index is reversed.                                                   
              3.  Chemical Abstracts                                                                                   
                     In short, the rejection based upon the Chemical Abstracts citation suffers from the same          
              defect as the rejection based upon The Merck Index.  While the Chemical Abstracts citation               
              does state that the combined use of acetaminophen and codeine resulted in an analgesic affect            
              which was 1.8-6.6 times greater than when each drug was given alone, the point remains that              
              the Chemical Abstracts citation does not describe the amount of active agents used.   Without            
              knowing the amounts of acetaminophen and codeine used in that study, it is not apparent how              
              the examiner can properly assert that the claimed invention would have been obvious from a               
              consideration of that reference.                                                                         
                     The rejection over Chemical Abstracts is reversed.                                                

                                                     OTHER ISSUES                                                      
                     As explained, the examiner and appellant confined their consideration of Chemical                 
              Abstracts citation to the abstract.  Neither the examiner nor appellant appear to have obtained          
              and evaluated the full text document.  It is not apparent why the examiner and appellant would           
              spend their resources debating the patentability of claims in a factual vacuum of an abstract            
              when the full text document is readily available.                                                        
                     Be that as it may, we have obtained a copy of the full text document.  Upon return of the         
              application, the examiner should carefully consider the document and determine whether  it               


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