Ex parte HAAKE et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1996-2566                                                        
          Application No. 08/107,656                                                  

            THE 35 U.S.C. § 112 “DESCRIPTION REQUIREMENT” REJECTION                   
               The claimed process for producing a solution of a basic                
          sulfate-containing polyaluminum chloride is defined by a                    
          sequence of process steps including, inter alia, the formation              
          and feeding of a solid basic aluminum chloride into an aqueous              
          sulfuric solution and dissolving said solid basic aluminum                  
          chloride therein, and “not prior to said feeding step,” heat-               
          treating at temperatures of 40EC to 70EC for 1 to 3 hours to                
          form the desired product.  See steps e and f of appealed claim              
          12.  We understand the examiner’s position to be that the                   
          claim language “not prior to said feeding step” constitutes                 
          “new matter” and thus this later claimed subject matter does                
          not enjoy written descriptive support in appellants’                        
          application as originally filed as required by the first                    
          paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.                                               
               With reference to claimed steps e and f, the                           
          specification indicates at page 3, lines 4-8 that                           
                    [t]he solid basic aluminum chloride is                            
                    charged into the aqueous sulfuric acid and                        
                    is dissolved therein with formation of                            
                    Al(OH) Cl (SO )  and the basic solution of                        
                          x y   4 z                                                   
                    aluminum chloride is subsequently heat-                           
                    treated at 40 to 70E C for 1 to 3 hours                           
                    (emphasis added).                                                 

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