Ex parte MEIER et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1996-2703                                                        
          Application 08/339,637                                                      

          comprise a thermoplastic material but preferably consists                   
          essentially of a thermosetting material (col. 2, lines 66-69).              
               The examiner argues that it would have been obvious to                 
          one of ordinary skill in the art to use in the McKown assembly              
          the thermoplastic adhesives of Fell and Lynam instead of                    
          McKown’s thermosetting adhesive in order to reduce the cycle                
          time (answer, pages 6-7).                                                   
               The examiner’s argument is not well taken because McKown               
          uses a specific adhesive to obtain particular processing and                
          product characteristics, and the examiner has not explained                 
          why the applied references would have led one of ordinary                   
          skill in the art to forgo those characteristics in return for               
          a shorter cycle time.  McKown teaches that the requirements                 
          for structural adhesives “are particularly formidable, calling              
          for an adhesive which exhibits excellent strength properties                
          over a wide temperature range which in turn depends on                      
          attainment of a delicate balance of such properties as                      
          adhesion, toughness, and tensile strength” (col. 2, lines 17-               
          25).  McKown discloses desired overlap shear, T-peel,                       
          honeycomb peel and beam-creep properties (col. 2, lines 25-                 


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