Ex parte SIFF - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1996-2918                                                        
          Application 08/164,879                                                      

                                    THE INVENTION                                     
               Appellant’s claimed invention is directed toward a kit                 
          for combating recited types of eye conditions.  The kit                     
          includes propanethial S-oxide in a container having a device                
          for the microscopic dispensing of the propanethial S-oxide.                 
          Claim 19 is illustrative and reads as follows:                              
               19.  A kit for combating a pathogenic, benign, dry or                  
          irritated eye condition comprising;                                         
               a) a container having a means for the microscopic                      
          dispensing of propane thial-s-oxide in a dosage amount                      
          effective to produce moisture in a mammalian eye; said                      
          container being capable of manipulation with a single hand;                 
               b) an amount of propane-thial-s-oxide to provide a                     
          pluarlity of individual dosages of sufficient strength to                   
          induce tearing in a mammalian eye.                                          
                                    THE REFERENCE                                     
          Eric Block et al. (Block), “The Lachrymatory Factor of the                  
          Onion: An NMR Study”, 21 Tetrahedron Letters 1277-80 (Pergamon              
          Press 1980).                                                                
                                    THE REJECTION                                     
               Claims 19-21 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                   

          not been formally entered.  Upon return of the application to               
          the examining group, the examiner should have the                           
          continuation-in-part specification and claims 20 and 21                     
          formally entered.                                                           

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Last modified: November 3, 2007