Ex parte CASTEEL et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1997-0074                                                        
          Application No. 08/123,092                                                  

               attaching a handle frame to the substrate so that it                   
               spans the handle hole,                                                 
               draping a sheet of stretchable material over the                       
               substrate and the handle frame so that it covers the                   
               handle hole, and                                                       
               forming the stretchable sheet against the top of the                   
               structural substrate and at least partially around                     
               the handle frame by differential pressure applied to                   
               the draped sheet.                                                      
               The examiner combines the teachings of four references in              
          order to meet the terms of the claim.  The primary reference                
          is Ashtiani-Zarandi, which is cited for its disclosure of an                
          inner door panel having an integral handle and arm rest that                
          are covered with a decorative material.  Wilfert is relied                  
          upon for showing a handle that is completely encased in a                   
          cover.  The examiner has not explained how these two                        
          references are to be combined, but acknowledges that they fail              
          to describe the techniques used to apply the decorative                     
          coverings to the handles.  He also states that they "appear to              
          teach covering the handles in a separate step and subsequently              
          attaching them to the inner door panel" (Answer, page 5)                    
          which, of course, is contrary to the appellants' claimed                    
          method.  The examiner then looks to Mills, stating that this                
          reference "teaches that it is desirable to cover the panel                  

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