Ex parte DUBOIS - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-0138                                                        
          Application No. 08/383,912                                                  

               As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies on the                 
          following prior art:                                                        
          Evans et al. (Evans)     5,358,752                     Oct. 25,             
                                                  (Filed Feb. 23, 1993)               
          Gaillard-Kelly et al. (Kelly) 5,411,981                     May             
          2, 1995                                                                     
                                                  (Filed May 18, 1993)                
               Claims 4 through 6 and 8 through 11 stand rejected under               
          35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over the combined disclosures               
          of Kelly and Evans.                                                         
               We reverse.                                                            
               The claimed subject matter is directed to a cosmetic or                
          pharmaceutical composition comprising at least one liposome                 
          containing a particular dermatologically active compound.  The              
          cosmetic or pharmaceutical composition is free of any (not                  
          even a trace amount of) volatile solvents since the liposomes               
          employed are prepared without using any such volatile                       
          solvents.  See specification, pages 11-13.                                  
               We find that the examiner has supplied a reasonable basis              
          for employing the liposomes described in Evans as a delivery                
          system for the active dermatological compounds described in                 
          Kelly.  See Answer, page 3.  However, the examiner has                      


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