Ex parte PERKINS - Page 3

              Appeal No. 1997-0410                                                                                        
              Application No. 08/041,446                                                                                  

              rejections, and to the appellant's brief (Paper No. 16, filed Jun. 10, 1996) for the                        
              appellant's arguments thereagainst.                                                                         

                     In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given careful consideration to the                  
              appellant's specification and claims, to the applied prior art references, and to the                       
              respective positions articulated by the appellant and the examiner.  As a consequence of                    
              our review, we make the determinations which follow.                                                        
                     Appellant argues that the examiner has not set forth a prima facie case of                           
              obviousness since the examiner has not set forth prior art which teaches or suggests the                    
              step of maintaining the encoder buffer occupancy which is recited in the language of                        
              independent claims 1, 8 and 12.  (See brief at pages 5-7.)  We agree with appellant.   The                  
              examiner maintains that the encoder occupancy of Ansari is a time varying function and                      
              that “it is considered obvious if not inherent that some sort of necessary and                              
              required equations and limitations with computer control similar if not the same as that                    
              claimed are required in order to provide the same effective rate buffering system.”  (See                   
              answer at pages 8-9.)  While we agree that there is most likely a structured buffering theory               
              in Ansari which may be able to be described mathematically, we cannot agree with the                        
              examiner that any description thereof has been set forth in the text of Ansari or by any                    


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