Ex parte MURAOKA et al. - Page 4

              Appeal No. 1997-0427                                                                                         
              Application 08/296,427                                                                                       

              layer reaches the laminate interface between the non-porous sheet and the porous sheet                       
              all as required by the claims on appeal.  However, this has not happened.  Rather it                         
              appears from the examiner's statement of the rejection on pages 3-6 of the Examiner's                        
              Answer that the examiner has misread Akemi.  The examiner alleges at page 4 of the                           
              Examiner's Answer that Akemi describes a medical adhesive sheet according to the                             
              claimed invention wherein the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer is "embedded on the                          
              porous sheet (page 3, line 3)."  This is incorrect.                                                          
                     What Akemi actually states at that portion is that the pressure-sensitive adhesive                    
              layer is "on the surface of the porous sheet."  The word "embed" does not appear at that                     
              portion of the reference.  Nor does it appear that the word "embed" is used anywhere in                      
              the reference.  At best, Akemi describes the assembly of the medical adhesive sheet of                       
              that reference as involving the adherence of the pressure-sensitive adhesive layer to the                    
              porous sheet.  See, e.g., Example 1 of Akemi.  However, no details are given as to how                       
              the two layers are “adhered” so that it cannot be determined whether the device created in                   
              that example meets the terms of the claims on appeal.                                                        
                     The examiner has failed to come to grips with that aspect of the claimed subject                      
              matter which specifies how the porous sheet is embedded in the pressure-sensitive                            


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