Ex parte COLEMAN et al. - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 1997-1383                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/217,392                                                                                                             

                 through 45, 50, 57, and 60 through 71, all of the claims                                                                               
                 pending in this application.1                                                                                                          
                 The invention relates to the manipulation of documents in                                                                              
                 an information processing system, and more particularly to a                                                                           
                 user interface for managing one or more document pages                                                                                 
                 arranged in stacks and for navigating within the stacks of                                                                             
                 document pages in a computer system.                                                                                                   
                 Representative independent claim 1 is reproduced as                                                                                    
                                   1.  An information processing method comprising                                                                      
                                           displaying a plurality of page                                                                              
                                   representations each corresponding to a                                                                              
                                   respective page and a plurality of stack                                                                             
                                   representations each corresponding to a                                                                              
                                   respective plurality of pages, wherein a                                                                             
                                   respective stack representation is visually                                                                          
                                   distinctive from one or more page                                                                                    
                                   representations, each of said plurality of                                                                           
                                   stack representations comprising                                                                                     
                                                     a depiction of a stack of pages and an                                                             
                 image                      corresponding to a current page in said stack,                                                              
                                                     a request area by which an operator may                                                            
                                            specify a page in said stack to be a new current                                                            
                                            page, and                                                                                                   
                                   receiving one or more operator requests.                                                                             

                          1Appellants’ brief indicates that claims 7 and 13 are                                                                         
                 currently pending, but the Examiner is correct that these                                                                              
                 claims have been canceled (amendment B, received November 13,                                                                          

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