Ex parte GURURAJA - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-2074                                       Page 3           
          Application No. 08/292,634                                                  

               Independent claim 1 calls for specific structure relating              
          to the transducer including, inter alia, a transducer element               
          for ultrasonic imaging of the human body “having a 2-2 or 1-3               
          composite structure and driven in a k  transverse mode.”  The               
          examiner does not address these claims limitations.                         
               Claim 1 further calls for a specific relative thickness of             
          the wafers and polymer layers, “wherein the relative thickness              
          of the polymer layer is less than that of the wafer...”.  The               
          examiner has pointed to nothing in Kleinschmidt to teach or                 
          suggest these relative thicknesses.  In fact, in Kleinschmidt,              
          the thickness of the polymer layer appears to be greater than               
          that of the wafer.                                                          
               The claim also recites that the structure provides                     
          “acoustic impedance matching to the acoustic impedance of a                 
          human body.”                                                                
               The examiner admits that Kleinschmidt fails to teach the               
          specifically claimed property values such as impedance and does             
          not teach the specifically recited relative dimensions, or                  
          thicknesses of the polymer and wafer layers.  However, the                  
          examiner holds that “optimizing a known device...via selection              
          of particular parameters” would have been obvious, within the               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007