Ex parte MAEDA et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-2852                                                        
          Application No. 08/354,454                                                  

          the examiner's assertion (Answer, page 4), Miyatake fails to                
          meet the limitation in the last paragraph of claim 4.                       
               Furthermore, the examiner contends (Answer, page 5) that               
          it would have been obvious to provide in Miyatake's device                  
          "the magnetic field generating means as taught by Naito et al               
          in lieu of the magnetic field generating means of Miyatake."                
          However, Naito does not address using varying magnetic field                
          intensities like the two coil magnets in Miyatake.  Therefore,              
          it is unclear how the single rotatable magnet of Naito could                
          replace the two coil magnetic field generating means of                     
          Miyatake.  In other words, the examiner has failed to                       
          establish a prima facie case of obviousness.  Consequently, we              
          cannot sustain the obviousness rejection of claims 2 through                


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