Ex parte NYE et al. - Page 7

              Appeal No. 1997-3088                                                                                     
              Application No. 08/521,562                                                                               

              rejection of claims 14-16 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over Mizuno in view of Crawley because                   
              neither Forward nor Mizuno is seen to provide for the deficiencies noted supra with regard               
              to Crawley.                                                                                              
                     We have not sustained either the rejection of claims under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) or                  
              the rejections of claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103 because no prima facie case of                            
              anticipation or obviousness has been shown by the examiner.                                              
                     We note appellants’ willingness, at page 2 of the reply brief, to file a terminal                 
              disclaimer regarding possible commonly claimed subject matter between this application                   
              and Serial No. 08/541,799.  We leave this matter to be settled between appellants and the                
              examiner at the appropriate time.                                                                        
                     We also note a bit of curiosity at the statement, at page 4 of the reply brief, that, with        
              regard to the examiner’s RESPONSE TO ARGUMENT, “Applicants affirm the Examiner’s                         
              Answer.”  While this may be taken to mean that appellants agree with the examiner’s                      
              arguments, which would make our decision herein a pro forma affirmance, we will take this                
              statement as being no more than an acknowledgment by appellants of the examiner’s                        
              position.  Of course, if we are in error in this view and appellants did, in fact, mean to agree         
              with the examiner’s arguments regarding the instant rejections, appellants are invited to file           
              a request for rehearing urging us to reverse our decision.                                               


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