Ex parte CHISHOLM et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1997-3239                                                        
          Application 08/312,854                                                      

          one of the common disk drive ports such that the common disk                
          drivers may initialize while only one port is logically                     
          connected, maintaining an acyclic star configuration without                
          creating loops.  See page 5 of Appellants' brief.                           
               In response, the Examiner argues on pages 3 and 4 of the               
          answer that IEEE teaches that redundant paths are a good                    
          thing.  The Examiner states that it would have been therefore               
          motivating to one of ordinary skill in the art to create more               
          than one path to the devices for reliability purposes.  The                 
          Examiner then states that the duplicating of the paths would                
          include duplicating the concentrator.                                       
               Upon our review of IEEE, we fail to find any teaching or               
          suggestion of a high speed acyclic serial bus in which there                
               "complementary first and second signals, said first                    
               signal being used to activate said first enabling                      
               means and said complementary second signal being                       
               used to activate said second enabling means such                       
               that each of the plurality devices is only accessed                    
               by one concentrator"                                                   
          as recited in Appellants' claim 1.  Furthermore, we fail to                 
          find that Van Brunt or Oprescu suggests or teaches the                      
          complementary signals which may be utilized to selectively                  


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